• Jovi 72 - knead, red
  • Jovi 72 - knead, red
  • Jovi 72 - knead, red

Jovi 72 - knead, red

Categoría Materiale scolastico
Vendi su Az per N/D
EAN 8412027007276
GTIN 08412027007276
Condizione Confezione danneggiata
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*Prezzo Buy Box Jovi 72 - knead, red stimato. Il prezzo reale potrebbe variare. I prezzi Az sono soggetti a variazioni senza preavviso a seguito di aggiornamenti regolari da parte di Az e i suoi venditori. Aggiorniamo i prezzi quanto più spesso riusciamo.

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Prezzo vendita stimato su Az * Non disponiamo di dati Az per questo articolo.
Rank vendite Az N/D
Offerte Az N/D
ASIN: B007X9T04I

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • Lingua del prodotto: English
  • dough, knead, harden and recharge is vegetable.
  • Hardens in the air and colours mixable.
  • Very mouldable.
  • Colour: red.
  • Red
  • Plasticine
JOVI Plastilina - Plastiline clay red, 350g
Modelling clay, plant-based modeling clay, ideal for children.
The Jovi Plastilina kneading mass is made on the basis of plants, does not harden, feels pleasant to the touch and can be easily shaped. Unlike mineral based kneading mass, Jovi clay has up to 33% more volume at the same weight and is therefore better suited for children. Other differences from mineral modeling materials are the better formability and vivid colors.
- Jovi kneading mass.
- Stable texture.
- Well suited for working with shapes.
- Can be easily removed from the moulds without tearing or deforming.
- Can be painted smoothly with hands without sticking.
- Easy to work even at low temperatures.
- Good mouldability and consistency: retains its shape after modeling.
- Easy to model.
- Colour: red.
- Content: 350 grams
Scope of delivery: Plastelin knead, 1 block 350 g, red

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