About Us
EuroLots is a platform specifically designed to cater to retailers, online sellers, and small shops, offering a broad range of products in over 40 categories. From electronics and computers to home and garden, kitchen supplies, toys, and more, we've got it all.
At EuroLots, we take pride in being a leading provider of liquidated merchandise, with pallet returns and lots available at great prices. Our extensive catalog boasts thousands of items and lots, all carefully sorted and packed for easy shipping to your destination. We offer best pricing deals for the high-quality brands we carry, and each item's condition is clearly described in detail.
At EuroLots, we understand the importance of providing a seamless experience for our customers. And with over 500 reviews from satisfied customers, you can trust that our liquidations and wholesale services are of the highest quality.
Don't settle for less when it comes to wholesale liquidations - choose Eurolots for the best prices, selection, and service in the business.
What Clients Say (Over 500 Reviews)
“For 25 years I HAD a wholesale warehouse for household needs and during the restructuring of the business I was attracted by this type of supply of goods.
"ALWAYS DIFFERENT GOODS AT A GOOD PRICE". After a conversation and a personal meeting with your colleague Ksenia Kuzmanova, thank you for the accurate, clear and constructive conversation and assistance in clarifying the way of work, deliveries and sales of your products.
I hope we will be mutually beneficial.
Good luck. Be healthy”
В. Д.
“Very helpful staff with good deals! I would recommend!”
M. S.
“Страхотни и качествени стоки на ниски цени! Препоръчвам!”
Е. В.
“Firmă si angajati seriosi cu care poti incepe o afacere fara probleme! Recomand!”
M. G.
“Ottima merce e ottimo servizio..mi trovo molto bene”
S. E.
“very competitive prices for reasonable quantities”
A. E.
“Great experiences with Eurolots! Fast deliveries, very responsive after-sales service! And a little extra for Dimitar who is always very responsive and pleasant so thank you team and keep it up! I'll leave you, I have an order to place 😉”
S. F.
“Много съм доволна от цените, обслужването и бързата доставка. Доволна съм от всичко получено. Каквото съм поръчала, това съм получила Като препоръка ще е хубаво, когато не успееш да платиш от първия път - ако плащането с картата не премине, да имаш право поне на още един опит.”
V. B.
“Голямо разнообразие от стоки с добро качество и винаги добре опаковани.
Коректни към клиентите с интересни ежедневни предложения.”
Б. Т.
“надеждни, любезни и абсолютни професионалисти!”
Н. А.
“Богато разнообразие на refubrished и customer returns продукти, служителите са отзивчиви при проблем. Стоката винаги пристига добре опакована и се стараят да я опишат максимално детайлно.
Доколкото до колегите, които твърдят, че продават боклуци, мога да кажа само едно - вие хем искате -90% отстъпка от базовата цена, хем да е нов продукта...ами няма как да стане. Трябва да се научите да подбирате читавите лотове(които същност се разпродават светкавично и тук бързината е от значение). Не става само с гледане на проценти печалба...
(Translated by Google)
With a wide variety of refubrished and customer returns products, employees are responsive to a problem. The goods always arrive well packed and try to describe it in as much detail as possible.
As far as the colleagues who claim to sell junk, I can only say one thing - you just want -90% off the base price, but it's a new product ... well, you can't. You need to learn how to pick readable lots (which are essentially sold out in a flash, and speed matters here). It's not just about looking at profit margins ...”
А. А.